1455 NW Leary Way, Suite 400, Seattle, Washington, 98107


4500 9th Ave NE #300, Seattle, WA 98105


Fast-Track To Debt Freedom

Understanding your income and spending can enable you to determine whether you have any spare cash available to pay off debt. Your payout schedule might increase by making more than the monthly minimum payment. If you want to qualify for new credit, cut your borrowing costs, or just reduce your debt, paying off your debt more quickly might give you a good start on your goals.


1. Be Brutal When Weighing Needs Against Wants

Looking at your budget categories and categorizing them into requirements and wants may prove useful. You may use this activity to get fresh insight and a framework for evaluating decisions and priorities. Prioritize covering wants first.


2. Abandon Dining Out

I am aware of that. However, always keep in mind: sprint! Could you cut it in half if you can’t eliminate it? Or restrict yourself to a weekly splurge of takeout? For further motivation, make the challenge more engaging by signing up for the Further Money Challenge.


3. Cut the Cable

Cable is not necessary. While you pay off your debt, Netflix can help you get through the lonely cable-free nights. That sum quickly accumulates and might assist you in permanently eliminating your debt payments!


4.Try Out a Spending Moratorium

Consider each category and pinpoint areas where a spending freeze may be implemented. Are you able to go without clothing? No films? What if you held off going inside Target until your debt was settled? Remember to consider all your presumptions because paying off your debt should be your priority.


5. Strike a Better Deal on Interest Rates

Make a phone call to your creditors and request a reduced interest rate. Although it seems absurd, this works far more frequently than you imagine. Asking is what differentiates. Any money you don’t spend on high-interest rates might be put directly toward paying down your debt. Work your way down the list, starting with the one with the highest interest rate. Win-win.


6. Be Innovative

Could you rent or borrow it instead of spending money to replace it? Could you trade babysitting duties with a buddy instead of hiring a nanny? Could we share a ride? Lack of resources compels you to be more inventive, yet you may discover that you can do far more than you ever imagined.


7. More Money Is More Money

What goods can you sell? What don’t you use? How might you simplify or declutter your life while earning some more cash? Although it’s a one-time windfall, it could give you a little lift! And money is king, particularly when you are actively putting your debt payback plan into action! Any “found” money should temporarily be used to raise your minimum monthly payments.


Final Verdict

Debt repayment requires both a financial and mental effort. Finding a payback strategy that works for you is as important as having the money to pay off your debt. Debt may become overwhelming at times. It could be time to seek outside assistance if you’re struggling to make payments and your total debtexceeds50% of your gross annual income.

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